People who want to be successful and want help
Climbing stairs toward dollar sign
People just like you.

Growth, Productivity, Results

Client Profile

We have found that our Clients are excellent practitioners, but often feel out of control. They need and want assistance in either diagnosing the problem(s) or running their business more efficiently and profitably.  They  have difficulty identifying, prioritizing, and focusing on the High Impact issues and the result is either paralysis, meaning that, the owners do nothing or in some cases do the wrong thing. 

Owners that choose to work with us want our assistance and are committed to addressing the issues.

Client Issues

The issues that our Clients face include poor or no strategic direction, misalignment of infrastructure, inadequate resource allocation and or poor talent at both the management and individual contributor level . Collectively these factors contribute to a lack of discipline and focus at all levels of the organization and the inability of the owner to sustain long term profitably growth. 


Symptoms of business problems that business owners often experience include:

  • Flat or reduced sales 
  • Loss of market share
  • Reduced margins & profits
  • Cash flow is poor or non -existent
  • Bank covenants have been violated
  • No formal planning process exists
  • Owners focus on activities & tasks rather than processes or systems
  • Employee turnover is high
  • Employee morale is poor
  • Business performance is inconsistent and unpredictable  
  • Exit strategies are non existant and the owner feels out of control